Tampa Drug DUI Lawyer

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Tampa Drug DUI Attorney

Being charged with driving under the influence can be a frightening experience, and you may be left wondering what the future holds. In these situations, the assistance of a Tampa drug DUI lawyer can prove essential to achieving a positive outcome in your DUI case. At Jeff Marshall Law, we have over 15 years of dedicated experience to ensure our clients receive a fair trial in their DUI cases.

At Jeff Marshall Law, we have the knowledge and experience necessary to ensure you receive the counsel and representation you deserve. If you are arrested for a drug DUI in Tampa, Florida, or are facing a license suspension due to this charge, we can fight to ensure your rights and freedoms are protected. Our team works to mitigate any potential damage to your future that could include time in jail, fines, difficulties finding employment, and more.

Tampa Drug DUI Lawyer

What Is a Drug DUI in Tampa, Florida?

Driving under the influence can happen for a number of reasons beyond just alcohol. Drugs that are available over the counter, through a medical prescription, narcotics, and other controlled substances can land you a DUI charge. These substances are known to impair a driver’s ability to respond to changes in road conditions and other drivers and can significantly impair a driver’s ability to stay alert.

Common drugs that can lead to a drug DUI include:

  • Cough medications
  • Mood enhancers or stabilizers
  • Ritalin
  • Ambien
  • Morphine
  • Codeine
  • Antipsychotics
  • Benadryl
  • Xanax
  • Valium
  • Vicodin

Other drugs, commonly called controlled substances, can also be used to trigger a DUI charge. Not only are these drugs typically illegal, but having any amount of them in your system is often evidence enough for a DUI conviction if the case proceeds to a trial. These substances can include:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • LSD
  • Fentanyl
  • Oxycodone

It is important to operate a vehicle safely. Drivers have a duty of care and responsibility to others with whom they share the road. Choosing to ingest substances such as alcohol or drugs and then sitting behind the wheel of a car breaks that responsibility.

The circumstances of DUI charges against you, however, don’t always tell the whole story. If you face charges, you need an attorney on your side who understands the unique laws that play into these cases and can review the details of your case to determine the right course of action to take in your defense.

Penalties for Tampa Drug DUIs

When charged with driving under the influence of virtually any prescription medication, over-the-counter drug, or controlled substance, you could face a multitude of penalties if you are convicted. These penalties can have a significantly negative impact on your life and future livelihood. It is important that you do not face these charges alone.

Common penalties for a Tampa drug DUI can include:

  • The suspension of your driver’s license, which could impact your ability to do your job depending on the nature of your employment
  • Substantial fines that could put your financial position at risk
  • Significant jail time
  • Facing a higher insurance premium
  • Harm to your personal relationships and reputation
  • Receiving a permanent criminal record, which could show up on background checks for employment and housing opportunities

Due to the potential consequences that may arise from a successful DUI charge, the importance of having a drug DUI attorney on your side is paramount. With our help, you can reach an acquittal, a reduction in charges, or have your case dismissed.

Common Defenses for Drug DUIs in Tampa

While we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all defense strategy, there are common types of defense that could be used to help you beat your DUI charges. Depending on the circumstances of your case, these defenses can include:

  • A lack of evidence or insufficient evidence
  • An illegal arrest
  • Mistakes made by investigators or law enforcement personnel
  • Suffering an adverse drug reaction

These represent just a few of the ways that an attorney can build a defense. No matter the circumstances of your case, you should speak with our team, which will determine the course of action that may work for you.


Q: How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost in Florida?

A: In Florida, it can be difficult to offer an exact number as to how much a DUI lawyer might charge to represent your case. This is because there can be many factors that influence the final cost analysis. These factors can include the overall complexity of the case, the nature of the DUI, the duration of the case, and the experience, skill level, and effort of your attorney. Consulting with your attorney can provide the costs you could incur.

Q: Should I Get a Lawyer for a DUI in Florida?

A: If you have been arrested and charged with a DUI in Florida, the services of an attorney are of paramount importance. This individual has knowledge of the laws surrounding these types of cases and can work to gather the necessary evidence to defend you against the prosecution’s case. They can also negotiate with the prosecution for a charge reduction or dismissal and can represent your interests should your case move to a trial.

Q: How Can a Drug Impair Your Driving in Florida?

A: Whether it is over-the-counter medication, controlled substances, or other ingested drugs, the impacts on your senses could impair your ability to drive. From drowsiness to diminished reflexes, the symptoms you could experience as a result of ingesting these could mean you put yourself and others at risk. If you are charged with a drug-related DUI, contact your attorney, who can help obtain a medical evaluation to find out if your symptoms were a result of drugs.

Q: How Much Is a DUI in Tampa?

A: The amount you might face in Tampa for DUI-related penalties can vary depending on the exact details of your DUI arrest and the nature of your conviction if said conviction is successful. Typically, if this is your first DUI conviction, you could face a penalty ranging from $500-$2,000. However, if a minor was in the vehicle with you, that fine could reach anywhere between $2,000 and $4,000.

Tampa Drug DUI Lawyer Today

If you are facing drug DUI charges in Tampa, Florida, know that there is help readily available. At Jeff Marshall Law, our team is prepared to fight the good fight when it comes to your defense. Contact our offices today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we might be of service to you.

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