Tampa Murder Lawyer

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Tampa Murder Attorney

If you’ve been charged with murder, it’s important to seek legal representation immediately. A Tampa murder lawyer can keep you informed of your rights and help you navigate the intense legal proceedings in the months ahead.

When you’re the prime suspect in a murder case, you’re up against specialized government bodies trained to investigate every aspect of the crime. You need a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney on your side to help gather evidence in your favor, speak on your behalf, and help you negotiate sentencing or make a plea bargain to avoid a lengthy trial.

tampa murder lawyer

What Do I Do If I’m Arrested in Tampa?

Facing an arrest can be scary. However, an arrest in a murder case is only the beginning of a potentially long and complicated legal process. Some cases can go on for a year after the initial hearing date.

Even though an arrest is intense and overwhelming, you must try to remain calm and silent. Your every action can affect your defense, so staying quiet and waiting for legal representation is imperative before trying to speak up for yourself. Resisting arrest or acting out can result in additional charges and penalties on top of the murder sentencing.

Your Tampa murder lawyer can advise you in every step of the legal process. The team at Jeff Marshall Law holds a strong record of defending their clients and gathering evidence to strengthen their defense.

What Are the Degrees of Murder Charges in Tampa?

Each murder case in Tampa is labeled by degree, which indicates the severity of the allegation. The main factor that determines the degree of murder is whether or not the defendant intended to take another’s life. The penalties also vary by the degree of the murder charge.

  • First-degree murder. The most significant degree of murder requires premeditation with the intent to kill the victim. This charge also applies to felony murder, which includes individuals directly associated with the deadly incident. A first-degree murder sentence could include life in prison. Florida is also one of 27 states that support capital punishment, which means a first-degree murder charge could also result in the death penalty.
  • Second-degree murder. This charge requires an intent to kill without premeditation, such as killing someone during a fight or shooting a gun over a crowd. Second-degree murder penalties include prison time ranging from 15 years up to a life sentence.
  • Third-degree murder. This is the least severe of the charges and describes a murder committed without intent, such as negligence or reckless acts that lead to another’s death. Third-degree murder sentencing includes up to 15 years in prison.

What Can a Tampa Murder Lawyer Do for You?

Because of the complexities and severity of a murder case, it is unwise to tackle the charges on your own. You need a Tampa murder lawyer with experience and a deep knowledge of criminal law to walk you through legal proceedings.

Your lawyer can gather evidence and listen to your testimony to determine if the route forward includes arguing for your innocence, determining your level of intentionality, or negotiating a plea deal with the prosecution.

In some cases, the prosecution may not have legally gathered evidence or that entrapment by law enforcement occurred. Your defense lawyer can use this information to strengthen the case in your favor.

At Jeff Marshall Law, we want to help you get an ideal outcome for your case. The legal system is not always fair, but our goal is to make sure your rights are upheld and you’re given a solid defense strategy to ensure a positive outcome.


Q: How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Murder Charge Lawyer?

A: Because of the severity of the charge, hiring a Tampa murder lawyer comes at a higher cost than lawyer expenses for other allegations. Many murder defense lawyers request a greater upfront fee due to the amount of anticipated work involved in the defense strategy. Prices also vary based on case complexity and the attorney’s level of experience.

Q: What Is the Sentence for Murder in Florida?

A: Sentencing for murder in Florida varies based on the degree of the murder charge. The lightest charge, a third-degree murder charge, can result in up to 15 years in prison, while a first-degree charge could lead to life in prison or the death penalty, as the State of Florida supports capital punishment.

Q: Are There Benefits to Accepting a Plea Bargain?

A: Absolutely! Plea bargaining can save both money and time because it allows you to avoid a lengthy trial. A plea bargain involves pleading guilty to a lesser charge than the original allegation, which ultimately results in a lighter penalty. However, not all prosecutors are open to plea bargains. A Tampa murder lawyer can help you make this choice and help you understand your chances of a favorable outcome.

Q: What Is the Difference Between Murder and Felony Murder?

A: Intent is the main difference between a murder and a felony murder conviction. A murder charge is issued when there was intention to kill the victim without justification. A felony murder charge also covers co-conspirators and does not require intentionality in the victim’s death.

Q: Can You Tell Your Lawyer You Are Guilty of Murder?

A: Attorney-client privilege gives you the ability to confess your crime to your lawyer. This confidential relationship prevents your lawyer from relaying your confession to the police, or anyone else involved in the case, without your permission. However, your level of guilt could impact their willingness to represent you in court since they cannot truthfully argue in your defense.

Contact a Tampa Murder Lawyer Today

If you have been accused of murder, seek representation immediately. The experienced team at Jeff Marshall Law can help prepare your case and give you a voice in the face of a serious allegation. We can challenge your case and fight for your rights in a court of law. Contact our firm today to schedule your free consultation with one of our Tampa murder lawyers to discuss representation.

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